Monday, June 8, 2015

Raspberry Pi

I need to thank W for introducing Raspberry Pi and Aduino to me last year. At that time, Raspberry Pi  (Model B+) was just released.  Ok, what is this Raspberry Pi?  In short, it's a mini-computer. Much powerful than a Intel 286 computer that we used back in 80s. Kids can learn basics of programming using Scratch, Python etc. The output pin of the Pi can be connected to a breadboard to control LEDs, and other electrical components that you can buy from your hardware store.

I will share how my son learn this programmings in the next post if I can find time... (quite a while I did not write)..

Again, buying this via shops is much more expensive.  You can buy from Element14 in Singapore, the price is much better compared to buying from retail shops.

Price may change, currency conversion rate may change. I won't recommend any particular one, but you may find the following ads from Amazon very useful. Basically those from CanaKit and Sunfounder offers everything you need. Not only that, it comes with bread board, LEDs, circuit components, case etc at very good price. After buying this, all you need is a USB keyboard, and a USB mouse, and your TV or monitor. You are all set!



If you want just the Pi (Not recommended especially if you are beginners), this may be what you are looking for:

You may want to check the price because buying from Element14 in Singapore may be cheaper then. Note that you may need to buy cables to connect to your TV, power adapter etc.

If you already have a Pi, and you want all the accessories, this may be good.


If you don't have a casing, I would advise you to get a proper one. My son's friend just damage his Pi using a DIY cover. DIY cover is good, but you need to make sure that your finger cannot touch internal portions of the Pi. Depending on your clothes and the weather, you may carry 8kV of electrostatic charge and will kill some components on the PCB.