Monday, February 22, 2010

My daugther's favorite - Ma-ma-sak (1)

My wife is against Barbie doll. She told me even before our daughter was born that she would go against the idea that my daughter owns a barbie doll. I fully agreed with her. I think that "Barbie doll encourages materialism and gave little value add".

Since the elder child is a boy, we hardly had any girlish type of games. Until I came across this "cooking play set"... I don't know what's the exact English term, but in Penang, most people called this game "Ma-ma-sak", which origins from a Malay word "masak" which means cooking.

I came across these few sets in the wet market. I bought 2 sets, each cost me less than SGD5. I am quite impressed with the quality of the "made in China" goods. It has so many varieties of fruits and vegetables. I can use this to teach my daughter about the names in both English and Chinese.

After having a cup of mixed juice (carrot + fruits), my daughter pretended that she was preparing dishes and she enjoys cutting up her fruits and vegetables.

Please take a look on these enlarged view of the fruits. The fruits come in 2 parts, stick together through a mechanism that is commonly found in shoes laces, where one latches one part on the other.

Using a plastic knife, the fruits can be "cut" into 2 parts to separate the latches.

After cutting, there's cooking time.

My daughter would serve me "tea" or "fruits". What I need to do is say, "ahmmm". And she will be happy smiling.

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