Sunday, December 19, 2010

Motor Skill

Both my kids are now over three years old. They no longer need toys for training motor skill. Those toys are meant for toddler less than 18 - 24 months. However, my kids still love them. I think they benefited from those toys.

You can easily find toys training toddler's motor skill from any brand, such as Fisher Price or any other famous toy manufacturers. However, I still think "Yu-bi-sa-ki-chi-i-ku" from Japan is the best. For example, how many ways can a toddler picks up or handles a small item? Check this out! The design is really impressive. Each of the "small button" has to be handled differently. The toddler needs to either press, knelt, lift up, pull, push etc... This is really a good piece of innovation that shows Japanese intelligence.

The following is my son's favorite. Apparently, handling a "coin" requires a lot of motor skill. The interesting part about this toy is that there are many ways to hide or keep the "coin" in the box.

This is another one we used to own. The toddler can twist, turn and rotate... This one may be a little bit dangerous. Toddlers may use this to bang on glass top table.

I cannot remember the name of the manufacturer. If you know Japanese, the word for you to search is "指先知育" pronounced as "yu-bi-sa-ki-chi-iku" (literally translation : intellectual training on finger tips). Here is the link to I think you can click at the picture... and then click "English" to see the product, but I am not sure whether you can purchase from if you do not understand Japanese at all. I bought the above during trip to Japan or received them as gifts from my Japanese friends. By the way, if you have plan to visit Tokyo, I found this at "Sakura Denki" toy department near Shinjuku.

I was looking for cheaper one sold in hyper-market or wet market, but hardly I found anything interesting.

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