Monday, August 22, 2011

Wii, iPad, iPhone and e-games

This post is slightly different as I don't want to particular share any e-games here. There are so many of them. Rather, I would like to write down my reasoning for promoting e-games to my kids.

In fact, I choose to expose both my child to eGames at young age. I think it's easier to teach younger kids than older kids. Both my kids love iPad and iPhone games. Sometimes, I play a game together with them. From time to time, I also listen to my son's about how he scores in a game, how his friend did in those games... but I always make it clear that e-game is something that they can put aside any time! I allow them to play with my iPhone while waiting for foods to be served in restaurant. However, this is on the condition that when the food is served, they must stop and eat. Thanks to my wife's help, both of us now seldom do texting, chat etc at meal time.

There's another one rule that I strictly enforce. They can only play games after they have completed certain tasks or homework. I call this "Empower Kids" concept. If they want to decide what they like to do, i.e. play computer games, they have to earn it. It's not easy to enforce this simple concept... My children find all ways to persuade me to break the rules. I rarely did and they gave up. They know that they are better off doing something in order to earn the time to play.

Many parents do not even buy iPad, iPhone, and not to mention Wii, because they do not want their kids to be addicted to the e-Games. A friend of mine even sold her Wii console because the daughter is too addicted to the games. I respect these opinions. However, I have a different view.

Like it or now, I am sure our children will know what's "Angry Bird" when they interact with other kids. When I was in Form 2, the top boy in my class dropped from the top spot merely because he started playing computer games. I had a friend in University who always sat in front row, and always get good results. He did not turn up for classes suddenly for 2 months. I asked him about it. His answer was that he was playing with computer games day and night. He was so indulged and addicted that it took 2 additional years to get the degree. At one point of time, I was addicted to games too. I played "Command and Conquer" day and night too. I really understand how fun the game can be. But can young children resist the temptation? Or can we shunt the e-games from our kids forever?

Back to the question of whether e-games are good or bad. I think there's no answer to this. For me, I chose to use my "Empower Kids" concept, and I choose to expose my children to those games. I also persuade them to play those games that have educational value. With that, I hope that I can educate them and make them see those e-games the way I want them to see. I know that if I don't do this, I will be leaving them to the exposure at much later stage by their friends who may be a bad kid. Also, much later stage means more difficult to teach, isn't it?

So, which league do you belong? Non e-game gang or e-game gang?


Samantha said...

I've come across an intereting article about 'The inverse power of praise'. Just to share to you & your wife. Happy reading!

An ordinary person on earth said...

Tks for the sharing.

UK toy stores said...

My 10 year-old son is fond of playing e-games and there are a few of his favourites which I already downloaded on my iPhone. He loves almost e-game and does not get tired of playing whenever I let him hold of my gadget.

恩轩至佳 said...

这个我就和你完全不同观点了! 我是中立人士。我不会刻意对孩子介绍e game,更不会刻意为了让孩子认识她的朋友所认识的game 而买ipad/iphone. 如你说的, 这是e 时代,这些gadget 不劳我费心,她自然会从朋友那里学会。我不曾刻意让孩子远离电脑、电视。我的家里很自然地不需要这些东西来和孩子交流,因为我觉得我们连沟通的时间、孩子自由的时间都不够用了,电脑、电视摆在孩子面前任她们开,可是她们连看也不看一眼。那是因为她们从小没有把消遣时间放在电脑、电视。很自然的,一有空闲时间,她们不会想起它。即使她从朋友那里知道很多games, 也不会有玩的冲动。对game的迷恋真的因人而异的。我的小女儿应该是属于会沉迷的那种人。大女儿则是game的绝缘体。早接触和迟接触基本上不是问题。问题在于她们的自制能力以及家人的影响力。 另外,我也不认同在等菜上桌的时间让孩子玩game.我觉得餐桌是家人交流的最佳平台,不应该受到电子游戏或电视的干扰。 不好意思。。。理念不同,唠叨两句:-)

An ordinary person on earth said...

恩轩至佳, thanks for your comment. I like your comment. Our approach may be different, but we share the same intention. We should constantly exchange ideas. I had been actively doing that with teachers in JK and partners and friends.

I like what you said about "我也不认同在等菜上桌的时间让孩子玩game" We need time to communicate too, and that's the reason for having meal together.

Yin Huei said...

恩轩至佳,may I ask, could you accept your children doing coloring or reading books while waiting for meals to be served in the restaurant? I am wondering what is your point of view on this.

Anonymous said...

Besides the e-game addiction, parents should also aware about the impact of handphone radiation which is bad for the human body and brain. Health is the most important thing in life! So we shall limit the usage especially to small kid.