Sunday, August 5, 2018

Baby Einstein DVD

It had been a while since my last post. Somehow, tonight feel like to write again... That's due to a conversation I had with my children today. We were listening to Pastor Rick Warren's sermon. He mentioned about Baby Einstein DVD. While my son remembers very well, my daughter cannot remember at all. She even asked me what the Baby Einstein DVD is.

Is Baby Einstein DVD effective?  See this link. As expected, it is reported that from a 2010 study found no evidence that children ages 1 to 2 learned words highlighted in a Baby Einstein DVD. Research has shown that regularly reading to young children boosts language ability for both babies and toddlers. This is not unexpected.

Showing children how to read not only teach reading per se, the activity also improve bonding with the toddler.  There is no doubt, reading to the toddlers would be more effective. However, I do not believe that showing the Baby Einstein DVD has zero impact.  According to what I understand from Glenn Doman's research, the more exposure we give, the better it is for the brain development.

My son remembers because he watched more DVD than his sisters. When he was young, we stayed in the US, and we borrowed many baby Einstein DVDs from the library. Practically he operates the video player on his own. Unfortunately, when my daughter was between one to three, the local library where we stayed do not have that many DVDs.

From my observations, I do not think that my son had the edge over my daughter due to the Baby Einstein DVDs.  There is a limit as to what we can do. I do not doubt that when we were exhausted, it's better to have the Baby Einstein DVDs to entertain the kids.

1 comment:

An ordinary person on earth said...

Please read this article too :,8599,1650352,00.html

Beware of over-stimulating and do less on more essential things like reading stories and bonding time.