Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mathematic --- Maths Olympiad

I had shared this Maths Olympiad book by Terry Chew to many friends. Most of them like this. Almost all of them bought the book after checking the book out. The author has a facebook page on the new book that I am going to get soon. For complete list of the Math book by the author, please refer to the publisher's link here.

I had bought the following 2 books from the author.

I am sure later I will buy more for the upper primary levels when my son reaches that stage. There are samples in the publisher's link . However, let me share 3 pages from the Junior 1 book (Primary 1-2) for reporting purpose to illustrate better about the quality of those questions provided in the book.

Sample 1:

Most children at age 7-8 can tell the time, but they need to think to calculate hours and minutes. Yes, they can do it!

Sample 2 :

Another problem question.. I was surprised that my son can do this.. without using algebra or the "standard" method that I learned in secondary school. He "drew" 110 circles and divide them to get the answer!

Sample 3 :

A systematic approach for 7-8 years old to count..the kids need to "visualize" those hidden cube!

I believe the above questions shows the "true color" of the book. Those questions may be more challenging questions, I admit, but manageable.

My intention is not to prepare my son for any competition. Rather, I use this book to encourage him to think, to analyze and to solve the questions. During my school time, I practiced mathematics like robot.. My teachers always said, "practice makes perfect".. yeah, I practiced up to hundred over equations per day (many students at that time did that). But I would say, I memorized the trick, rather than to think and understand the skill. I suffered in university. Well, some people still feel proud of those "traditional Chinese school" method. For me, I prefer something different. I don't want my son to lose interest solving hundreds of questions per day. This book is the solution to my problem!

In fact, my son loves solving those questions. Some times he may get frustrated when he does not know the answer. But with a little bit of coaching and encouragement, he is on his way... If you think that you are not good in math, don't worry, answer is given at the back of the book!


An ordinary person on earth said...

For those of you sending your kids to Jolly Kids Day Care, the center has a copy for each level..

恩轩至佳 said...

Possible to get a copy from any bookstore in m'sia?

An ordinary person on earth said...

Larger Popular bookstore in Penang should have this. My friend saw this in Popular Gurney & Popular Queensbay.. they have a section on Singapore Syllabus book. If not check out from the publisher.

But this is for 7-8 years old. Too early for 5-6 years old.

An ordinary person on earth said...

One update for those in Penang Malaysia... someone told me that it's only available in Popular Bookstore in Gurney Plaza and not Popular Bookstore in Queensbay Mall.

ChekLi said...

Very good books, highly recommend for everyone. I like these books so much (after my daughter finished junior 1), I bought the whole series to keep - Junior 2, beginner, intermediate and advanced. You can get them in Popular Gurney Penang and Popular Jaya Jusco Ipoh. Limited stock. I love the answer session which come with very detail explanation.